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Photography Works

A student's desk at night, covered in textbooks and snacks, with a sticky note that reads Finance Midterm at 9 AM
From the doorway a girl is seen walking away from her desk and laptop
Close up of a girl in the dark, her face lit only by her phone as she lies in bed
The girl sleeps in her bed, turned away from her phone which is left on
A close up of the phone shows the girl's alarms for the next day, set for 8 PM

A Story in Five Images

Images taken for an assignment where we had to tell a story in five pictures, with no other text or info provided. These images tell the story of a university student up late studying for her midterm the next day. She goes to sleep, confident her alarm is set to wake her up the next day. What she doesn't notice is her alarm isn't set for 8am... but 8pm.

Drowning Voices set piece, a large swooping sheet of flexible styrofoam with garbage stuck to it, lit in purple and blue, from a distance
Drowning Voices set piece, a large swooping sheet of flexible styrofoam with garbage stuck to it, lit in purple and blue, from a medium distance
Close up of Drowning Voices set piece, showing details of all the garbage stuck to the sheet, such as plastic cups, fishing net, plastic bags, and more
Close up of Drowning Voices set piece from a different angle, showing details of the garbage stuck to the sheet such sa netting, foil, rope, and more
Drowning Voices set piece, a large swooping sheet of flexible styrofoam with garbage stuck to it, lit in purple and blue, from a medium distance

Drowning Voices

Promotional images for the show "Drowning Voices", an environmental based show that dives into the problems we face on a daily basis. These are images taken of the large set piece that was suspended above the floor with the set lights on, and were used on various social media platforms to drum up interest for the show.