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Video Editing

"The Last of Us Part II Remix"

After noticing how the message of the song “Bad Guy” by Billie Eilish reflected the themes in the story line of “The Last of Us II” I created this transformative fan video to juxtapose two media pieces that I really enjoyed while practicing my audio and video editing skills.

The protagonists, Abby and Ellie, are two sides to the same coin. This is shown in the selection and editing of the clips to match shots so the action flows between the two of them. Furthermore, the heavy beat of the music matches the fast paced action of game, and allowed for crisp transitions and cuts. The video also includes various sound effects from the game itself, such as guns being shot or the "infected" screaming, as a way to keep the video and audio tied together and add more immersion to the video.

The song title "Bad Guy" reflects their stories. Each ends up being the bad guy of the other's story, killing each others loved ones for revenge. I also drew a parallel with how the song was received in our society. Billie Eilish faced a lot of misogyny as a young, successful woman as her popularity increased. The same misogyny was received by the game upon its release, as many male fans of the original game were against the two protagonists of the game being strong women, claiming that it was forcing “the feminist agenda” by having a gay protagonist and a strongl woman as a protagonist. By editing both works together, I was able to highlight their common messages and create a new level of engagement for both works.

"They Both Reached for the Gun"

A fan edit of the legend of korra following the TikTok trend "They Both Reached for the Gun" using the song We Both Reached for the Gun from Chicago. In this trend, two competing characters are edited to be shown as rivals both "reaching for the gun" which is shown as the item or person the rivals are competing for. My edit shows Korra and Asami as both competing for their gun, Mako. However, part way through the song "the gun" changes as Korra and Asami discover their true feelings for each other and stop competing over Mako, but instead for each other. I posted this edit on TikTok and received over 700 views. View the TikTok for "They Both Reached for the Gun" here.

"Working Title"

For this project, we were tasked to show what Hamilton means to us. To me, Hamilton has always just been the place I go to school, where I work and study so that I can go on to real life. This was the main theme behind my piece, showing myself always working in different locations, no matter how beautiful or how mundane. Despite the many things Hamilton has to offer, in my years living here I never took the time to explore the city and the nature around. Instead, I sat in the safe bubble of the school, keeping my head down and doing what I had to until I could get out.

An additional restriction we were given was to use at least at least one minute of the video "Portrait of a City", a promotional film for the City of Hamilton from the 1940s. I chose to use clips of audio from this video, edited together to talk about working, as well as specific words with other locations around campus, to show how the campus could be the entire range of Hamilton in itself.


"Rube Goldberg Machine"

An exploration of physics in Blender, I created a Rube Goldberg Machine to learn how to use the physics properties, and properties such as rigid bodies and pendulums.

"Thesis - Concept Art"

The first stage of the concept art for my thesis video game, this video shows the main character of the game, as well as the aesthetic that the environment of the game were originally to follow. Using Adobe Illustrator, I created the character and the background, and then imported them into Adobe Character Animator. In Character Animator, I rigged the character to have basic movements, to blink on command and to have her hair wave in the wind along with the background that moves.